Team 02:Ecology of the birds of water and other aquatic vertebrates
Doc.Riad Nedjah
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This team focused on the knowledge of the ecology of waterbirds. The migration, the various strategies of wintering and reproduction of waterbirds as well as their geographical variation constitute a central concern of this team.
An understanding of the dynamics of the populations of waterbirds and the role played by Algerian wetlands is a key objective. The diet,behavior as well as the identification of key variables which can influence population dynamics is a key objective
Scientific foundations of this team:
- -Ecology of the reproduction of waterbirds
- -Distribution, phenology and ecology of the reproduction of amphibians.
- - Ringing program and study of the dispersal of waterbirds
- -Study of the dynamics of the populations of the aquatic vertebrates (birds and amphibians)
- -Diet
- -Study of the time budget of various species of waterbirds
waterbirds, wetlands, aquatic vertebrates, functioning, migration, wintering, reproduction, dynamics of the populations